Consulting Services

As a leading consulting psychology firm, we work with clients to solve complex problems.

Research & Development Solutions

We collaborate with organizations to churn out industry-leading research digests.

Online Test Proctoring Solutions

In partnership with, we conduct high-stake tests on a secure & robust platform.

Off-the-shelf and Custom Psychometric Assessments

We offer off-the-shelf and bespoke aptitude, cognitive and ability tests & personality questionnaires.

Training and Certifications

We offer niche business psychology courses that integrate latest findings from multiple fields.

We are excited to engage and connect with you.

Contact us at the Institute of Industrial and Organisational Psychology today.

News and Blog

Brand and consumer psychology masterclass

The Institute of Industrial & Organizational Psychology (IIOP) in collaboration with The School of Media […]

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Organizational culture and business success

To what extent does organizational culture impact on employee’s performance? How does the interplay of […]

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Role of psychological contract in employee engagement

Psychological contract is broad and quite different from physical contract or document – it represents […]

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Ready to reach out and talk?

Our ability to deliver outstanding results for our clients starts with our team of smart and capable experts.

1, Adesola Olusade Crescent, Jahi, Abuja

Phone: + (234) 8030769336
Would you like to learn more about our service offerings and industry expertise or to have an IIOP Professional contact you directly, please fill out the form and we’ll be in touch shortly.